Monday, December 09, 2013


Yesterday's (Sunday 12/8) Capital City CX Race at Lake Fairfax was a blast and had some great weather for watching CX and it was very traditional with Snow and sometimes sleet coming down. 

I left my house around 10AM and  started up the road towards Vienna.  And right away I knew I SHOULD go back and get glasses and a buff/facemask/something but I really didn't want to even though it was REALLY blowing snow and usually sleet into my face pretty hard.  I spent a lot of time with my head down looking at my front wheel and peeking up every 15 seconds to check that the road was clear most of the way to Vienna and out the W&OD to Reston.  Opted to take the back entrance via Michael Faraday into Lake Fairfax and rode some of the trails.  It was a scary blast.  A few bad mud holes.  Made it out to the Front side of the park with no major issues and rode thru parts of the  course.  :P     Hands were pretty cold but I was warm thanks to a travel mug of cocoa. 

Hit the MORE/Scudfry operation up and warm fries rocked!  Hung out.  Got someone to take a picture of my frozen beard.  Watched some racing.  Chris Scott destroying fools!  Helicopter parents are apparently a sucky part of cycling now also.  Almost wanted to punch them and their idiotic strategy yelling crap.  Drank some PLB's.  Watched some more racing. Saw a bunch of friends.  Talked club stuff a bit.  Watched more racing, the ladies were pushing HARD!  A hotdog later and I was on my way back to Vienna.  Rode back out the south, though not before a wrong way on the actual course.  :P 

The Slog out was slow but not bad.  Then I rode the W&OD back and then did some of it on the horse trail for some "REAL" CX.  And at right before hunters mill I flatted.  Yep.  Changed under the sign at Hunters Mill, wasn't bad.  Hardest thing was getting the ice off the valve stem to unscrew it.    20 minutes later back on the trail.  Snow and Sleet blowing again after just snow.  Rolled into Vienna and hit Spokes for 3 spare tube.  Almost went to Whole Foods for a beer but it was pretty full.

Went home to watch the Looser-skins loosing in epic fashion.  Warm shower never felt so good!  Gassed up the car ran some errands. 

Gotta do the breaks on the bike before I ride again, the ice destroyed the breaks.  Now I remember why disc brakes are awesome.

Wednesday, December 04, 2013

When is Nap Time?

Sometimes you just want to take a Nap.

Thats today's motto and yesterday's also I think.  Part of it is the push to get back into cycling habit from my slacking off in November.  I'm at 56 miles in the last 2 days.  Today I shall run I self declare.

Crap the weather Wed and Thurs is looking Shittier.  I may still ride in tomorrow,  but Thursday is now looking like a possible Plan B ride.

Cooked up a new batch of Skratch, this time finally doing the eggy things.  Turned out awesome and super easy due to greasing the muffin tin with my super secret ingredient.

Bacon Grease.

Next time I want to integrate the bacon and cheese more so I will actually add it at the mid-way point versus after like the book says.   Also adding a "crust" of rice or bread might help also.  Or I will use Extra Large Eggs.

Taking a down day on Wednesday.  My body needs a recharge after 3 days of pretty hard work following 2 weeks of low activity.   May roll into DC to see a friends band play The Brixton Tonight.

Rain Rain and Snow on Sunday!  Looking like Cap Cross CX at Lk Ffx may be a real interesting event.  I may ride out to watch the mayhem/insanity on Sunday.