Monday, November 17, 2008

Trailwork Time

Got to go out to Patapsco for some TW yesterday. It was a good time really, a bunch of folks from the bliss were there and I got to shoot the shit with them during and afterwards. We went to some place in Columbia MD afterwards that had a really impressive set of beers and some good chow. Regular's seen included Steve, Donna, Miley, Mike K, Paul H, Jay, Eric, Jason, David (Dave?) and some of the others I've only met a few times like the Fred Rock Crew. 34 People there for Tw. Nice.

In other news I've almost gotten my wheel to near perfect true I think. At least laterally. I think I have a bit of vertical issue but I can't quite tell, so I think I'm gonna go over and have the guys at CB look at it. Also need to pick up a set of new tubeless valves.

Riding Forecast
Might try and get a shorty in this afternoon if the wheel is done.
Thursday - Looks like we finally may be back at wakefield. Nice!
Next Week - Rain on Tuesday at Rosey maybe they'll move it to Wednesday.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Beer Abroad

Well I've got a trip to England/Amsterdam coming up in January. And it should be a blast. We're going to be out in the York area for 4 or 5 days in England first for a wedding, with a bit of sight seeing if the weather cooperates. I was hoping to visit some english pubs and sample some of the brews there, fortunetly the chap getting married is a fellow home brewer and he'll direct me I'm sure to where appropriate ale's etc may be obtained once we dry out his cellar.

My real question here is about Amsterdam and where to hit for beer. Have any of you all spent any time there not in one of THOSE bars. Due to work drug testing requirements, my imbibe-ments must stay in the realm of booze. Also any cool things not to miss are also in my interest.

I'm looking forward to doing some rainy pedaling around Europe. :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


I'd just gone downstairs to toss a salmon fillet in the broiler and I hear my wife yelling, I was like HU? I thought she was on a conference call, so I hustle up stairs. And first thing I notice is the scent of burning electronics. I ask is she alright and she says yes but the cat puked on the cable box and it started burning and sparking and she unplugged everything and she wants me to check and make sure its all off. So I throw the master switch on the power strip just in case, but she unplugged everything already.

Turns out the cat hurled then hung around checking the sparks and smell out.
She threw the cat off.
Unplugged everything while yelling on her con call
She disconnected right as I came up.

Right now she's explaining to the group on the phone what happened and she's laughing away.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday Again and Again

Well Monday has rolled around as it usually does. And so far the score for the weekend is

Bike Maintenance Tasks .5'ish of 4.
Beer Bottled 1 of 4
Bottles are cleaned and ready to go into the sanitizer, I just worry I'm a few bottles short, I may try bottling to a growler.....Any comments????
Burlesque Shows Finished 1 of 1 - It was awesome, the wyf rocked with Adam Ant and the old school Madonna. Photo's up sooner or later.
House Picked Up 2 of 4
Leaves Raked - 2 of 4.
I think I will get the bottling done tonight regardless.

For now it's not been a bad weekend. I'm gonna drink a tall boy and research bottling to growlers now.

Hope everyone had an awesome weekend.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Cross Promotion

Come out to the Palace of Wonders this Saturday, November 8, 2008.
"I Love the 80s" Edition
Palace of Wonders
1210 H St., NE Washington DC 20002
10 p.m. / $10 > New pretty site design! Check it out!

Celebrate or commiserate election results whatever side o'the isle yer on!!
* Groove to 80s beats by DJ P-VO
* Costume Walk Off in 80s Gear - Win Fabulous Prizes!! Duh!?
* ALL 80s BURLY ACTS!!!!!
* STARRING Dulce de Leche - gorgeous & glamorous straight from NYC!!!
* JUST ADDED! The sideshow feats of Coney Island Chris - The Geek ... The Freak ... The Human Oddity!
* Hooping, Fire Dance and Burly-Q from our favorite danger diva Miss Joule!
* Local chanteuse and emerging burly gurly, Poppy La Rouge!
* From Charm City & Gilded Lily Burlesque, the sexy spitfire Little Luna!
* DC's own leggy lovely, Sugar Ann Spice
* Dutch Oven founder and goof-ball extraordinaire, L'il Dutch
* MC & resident perv Gary Gutter with his arsenal of sick and wrong jokes
* Too-Cute-to-be-Legal Stage Kitten Lauren Marleaux

Cross posted since my wyf is such a great sport about doing my stuff, I should pimp her events.

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Homebrew vs Coors

In a close match homebrew has defeated the kinda evil and mostly just tasteless Coors conglomerate as America's Favorite Brew.

Photo by B. Ramsey

Tonight we shall drink Stout to Celebrate. And maybe a few Celebrator's also.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Brewers Bliss - Blissfully Brewed Heavenly Day
Excellent People
Excellent Riding
Excellent Food
Super Awesome Brew.

Bliss Achieved. Cheers to Everyone!