Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Now I'm really confused.

Winter has returned apparently un-announced last night. I came out this morning and promptly went F@#$ it's cold, and went back in for a jacket and glove (only found 1 of my light pair of course). 32 Degrees! Stupid weather.

And looking at the rest of the week I see odd low/normal temps again! Oh where have you gone 80 degrees? I should't complain though, this cold snap may deal the really annoying bugs a deathblow. Go away ticks, gnats, etc!

Due to the explosion of allergens I got a minor sinus attack this weekend and it's really put me down hard. Add in the TON of rain we got Saturday/Sunday and I haven't gotten in much biking since Thursday. Or more correctly, any biking. At the rate I'm going with other commitments it will be Thursday before I ride again.

Sunday is supposed to be the Big Raystown Lake Day Trip, might rain a bit but that may just make for good riding. We shall see. It would be nice to try the legs out for a 30+ mile ride. To see how I'm ready for the big rides coming up in May.

Also prepping for the Big Spring TW at CJ. Going to actually try and get flyers/info out to all the local shops this year and get some flyers up at the park.

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